
In case of refund or cancellation please make sure to initiate the request to as per below:

For EXIM Training Sessions

  • For a full refund – send an email to the respective email id within 2 days after the payment is made with proper justification to review, discuss and finalize the decision accordingly, if the reason is justified then the amount will be refunded in the same mode as received only.
  • If a refund/cancellation email is sent after 2 days up to 5 days after the payment is made then it will be considered for a 50% refund only after review and discussion over the reason presented justification.
  • Any request for refund/cancellation sent after 5 days of payment will not be entertained.

For Website Development or Support, Digital Marketing Promotion, and other documentation services only a 50% refund will be considered only if payment is not forwarded towards further respective operations only after reviewing the cancellation/refund request and the amount will be reversed in the same mode as received.